What is the Role of Maintenance Management and its Types

14 Jul 2024
maintenance management

What is the Role of Maintenance Management and its Types

  Maintenance management – maintaining the resources of manufacturing or the supply chain that effectively improves the production and reduces inefficiencies caused due to the downtime of equipment or asset failures. Maintenance management is not just about repairing the faulty one and putting it back in its place. Comparatively, maintenance management has a deep root in ensuring – maximum productivity combined with regulatory compliance in all the operations. Integrating the maintenance management software with the mobile technician application can produce the desired result in the site and the facility. In this blog, we will discuss – the role of maintenance management and how the tailor-made field technician app can help – the maintenance industry optimizes its results. What is maintenance management? Maintenance management is following up – with a set of regular or methodological processes to keep the equipment or asset of the facility up to date and in working condition. The maintenance management team or the engineer, or the fieldwork technician has to organize, manage, and store data about the maintenance activities of – machines, assets, inventory, or scheduling features. Consequently, the implicit usage of well-optimized resources and seamless production contributes to improved revenue for the organization. What is the role of maintenance management? The prime responsibilities –  of a maintenance management team are to confirm the equipment, asset, and facility of the property working efficiently. The maintenance management team usually solves things by two methods. One is finding the malfunctioning equipment and repair them to replace it in its place. The second one is to examine the assets and equipment conditions beforehand to prevent failure, which requires regular inspection and or analyzing data to anticipate malfunctions. For both cases, we need both – the asset data and its maintenance history to make maintenance activities more predictable. The field technician app answers the demands of the service or field technician team with the latest technologyThe application can assist the management team – to reduce the overall maintenance costs through efficient use of maintenance resources. Furtherthe application comes with all the data, maintenance history, notification on scheduled maintenance tasks, and an efficient tracking system that reduces the technician burden. Objectives of maintenance management:
  1. 1. Extending asset life – the machinery and assets of the facilities are the utmost investment for any organization. Regular maintenance ensures they are in a good state and have an extended lifetime.
  2. 2. Maintenance History – Analyzing the maintenance history can help the professionals to make a better-informed decision on their current or upcoming issue.
  3. 3. Ensuring safety – Regular maintenance improves the welfare of – engineers and professionals inside the facility with highly reactive machines, processes, and assets.
  4. 4. Scheduling – Maintenance management enables the administration to understand the process to the fullest helps them schedule and allocate resources accordingly without any distraction.
  5. 5. Minimized downtime – The proper maintenance can reduce the disruption to a greater extent, reduces the cost involved with the equipment repair, operations, and improves the organization’s revenue.
  What are the types of maintenance management? The continuous improvement in the maintenance management industry requires multiple maintenance strategies for keeping the machines, equipment, systems, assets, and installation to run/work seamlessly without any interruption. Here we will discuss the various types of maintenance management that prevail in the industry – with a mobile technician application influence – on such methods. Reactive maintenance: The reactive maintenance method is called the run-to-failure or breakdown maintenance method. The reactive maintenance method is correcting the anomaly or aimed to restore it to normal operating conditions. This method is suitable for minimal cost equipment, or processes conveying that the costs sustained for downtime are lower than the investment required for a maintenance program. Preventive maintenance: The preventive maintenance method is also called a proactive or scheduled maintenance method – involving regular checking and inspection intending to improve the useful life of an asset. Integrating the maintenance management software assists the technician team to refer the history and track the past failures. Referring to the past and tracking history automate much of its scheduling efforts. Predictive maintenance: The evolution of smart technology makes it possible for the predictive maintenance method. The advanced field technician app can process the data and help the professionals – generate graphs and report to identify when the next possible breakdown of the machine is likely happening.  Thus, the application ensures proper intervention monitoring as well as smooth communication. Condition-based maintenance: In this method, they place sensors – in the equipment or asset of the facility to continuously check the working condition. Predictive maintenance strategy depends on reports from whereas condition-based rely on the live changes like counter reading and meter temperature to make sure no machine or its parts go breakdown since that could practically damage the whole production line. Risk-based maintenance: The assets or equipment that likely to cause extensive damage to an organization when breakdown comes under risk-based maintenance. This method is similar to preventive maintenance practice but differs with the frequency and the scope of maintenance activities. The assets or equipment consistently optimized reduces the overall risk of failure across your plant or facility in a more efficient way. Reliability-centered maintenance: This method aims to ensure continuous availability and reliability of the equipment to their user in the most efficient way using the above maintenance method. The reliability-centered maintenance method involves a highly involved process that requires a specific maintenance strategy implementation on each of the facility assets. What is maintenance management software/application? The maintenance management software is a set of digital tools and features that manage maintenance activities while keeping detailed maintenance records of all assets within an organization. Similarly, the maintenance software comes in the form of a mobile technician application –  that helps the field service technicians to work seamlessly in line with the requirements. Interested in maintenance management and want to give you technicians with a field technician app to increase your productivity and save costs? Contact our team to schedule a free demo of our EQUAL Building Maintenance mobile application.

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